How Many Calories Can You Burn From Bowling?

Bowling is a fun recreational activity that people of all ages enjoy. But did you know that bowling can also be a great way to burn calories and get some exercise? Depending on your weight, bowling intensity, and duration, you can burn a significant number of calories per bowling session. Keep reading to learn more about how many calories you can expect to burn while bowling.

Calories Burned Bowling Per Hour

The number of calories you burn bowling will vary depending on your body weight and bowling intensity. Here are some estimates for calories burned bowling per hour based on weight and effort:

  • 130 lb person bowling lightly: 204 calories per hour
  • 130 lb person bowling vigorously: 340 calories per hour
  • 155 lb person bowling lightly: 242 calories per hour
  • 155 lb person bowling vigorously: 406 calories per hour
  • 180 lb person bowling lightly: 279 calories per hour
  • 180 lb person bowling vigorously: 469 calories per hour
  • 205 lb person bowling lightly: 317 calories per hour
  • 205 lb person bowling vigorously: 531 calories per hour

As you can see, heavier people burn more calories bowling per hour than lighter people. And bowling with more energy and effort (vigorous bowling) burns about 1.5x more calories than bowling casually.

Calories Burned Bowling for 30 Minutes

Most bowling games last about 30 minutes of active play. Here’s an estimate of calories burned bowling for a half hour session:

  • 130 lb person bowling lightly: 102 calories in 30 minutes
  • 130 lb person bowling vigorously: 170 calories in 30 minutes
  • 155 lb person bowling lightly: 121 calories in 30 minutes
  • 155 lb person bowling vigorously: 203 calories in 30 minutes
  • 180 lb person bowling lightly: 140 calories in 30 minutes
  • 180 lb person bowling vigorously: 235 calories in 30 minutes
  • 205 lb person bowling lightly: 159 calories in 30 minutes
  • 205 lb person bowling vigorously: 266 calories in 30 minutes
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Again, the number of calories burned depends on your weight and intensity. But for a typical 30 minute bowling game, most people can expect to burn 100-250 calories.

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Calories Burned Bowling for 60 Minutes

Double the bowling duration, double the calories! Here’s an estimate of calories burned bowling for a full hour:

  • 130 lb person bowling lightly: 204 calories in 60 minutes
  • 130 lb person bowling vigorously: 340 calories in 60 minutes
  • 155 lb person bowling lightly: 242 calories in 60 minutes
  • 155 lb person bowling vigorously: 406 calories in 60 minutes
  • 180 lb person bowling lightly: 279 calories in 60 minutes
  • 180 lb person bowling vigorously: 469 calories in 60 minutes
  • 205 lb person bowling lightly: 317 calories in 60 minutes
  • 205 lb person bowling vigorously: 531 calories in 60 minutes

Bowling for a full hour can burn over 500 calories for heavier people bowling vigorously. Even lighter people can expect to burn 200-300 calories in an hour of bowling.

Calories Burned Bowling vs. Other Activities

How does bowling compare to other recreational activities when it comes to calories burned? Here is an estimate of calories burned per hour (for a 155 lb person) for other popular sports and activities:

  • Bowling lightly: 242 calories per hour
  • Bowling vigorously: 406 calories per hour
  • Golfing while carrying clubs: 344 calories per hour
  • Golfing while using cart: 234 calories per hour
  • Playing softball: 412 calories per hour
  • Playing volleyball: 300 calories per hour
  • Shooting pool: 204 calories per hour
  • Playing ping pong: 300 calories per hour
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As you can see, bowling burns a similar number of calories as many other recreational sports and activities. Vigorous bowling can burn over 400 calories per hour, comparable to softball, volleyball, and ping pong. So bowling definitely ranks up there as a fun calorie-burning exercise option!

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Tips for Burning More Calories Bowling

Here are some tips to help you maximize the calories burned bowling:

  • Bowl for longer – try for 2-3 hours instead of just 1. More time bowling means more calories burned.
  • Bowl more games back-to-back rather than taking long breaks. Keep your heart rate up between games.
  • Use a heavier ball – this requires more effort to swing and roll.
  • Take fewer breaks between frames. Keep moving during the game.
  • Bowl aggressively and put some power behind the ball.
  • Celebrate strikes and spares with some arm pumps and dancing.
  • Walk to retrieve your ball rather than waiting for the ball return.

Combining bowling with a healthy diet and other exercise, like walking or jogging, can help boost your overall daily calorie burn. Bowling is a fun activity that can definitely be part of an active, healthy lifestyle. So get out on the lanes and bowl some strikes – you’ll have a good time and burn extra calories too!

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