Archery can be an expensive hobby, sport, and hunting method that requires a significant number of tools and equipment if you want to be as accurate as possible. When archers with limited funds decide they want to upgrade their equipment or they could use some cash and have a lot of archery equipment laying around they’ve either outgrown or rarely use, the first instinct is to sell it. A common option is pawn shops, but will they even buy your archery equipment?
Pawn shops generally purchase and pawn old archery equipment. These are some of the most frequently sold items and purchased for the most money. However, there are significant pros and cons to telling your archer equipment to a pawn shop that you’ll want to consider.
In this article, we’ll discuss how choosing to sell your archery equipment to a pawn shop can be advantageous or a serious mistake depending on your motives and preferred result for the exchange.
Pros and Cons of Selling Your Archery Equipment to a Pawn Shop
Pawn shops have been around for thousands of years and are often reliable places to sell almost any item of value for quick cash or pawn it for a little financial breathing room. Although they certainly aren’t as common and popular as they were years ago, many people still resort to pawn shops to sell their valuables, including archery equipment.
That being said, you’ll want to consider this decision heavily before you lug all of your stuff into one of these shops.
Pawn shops are fantastic businesses to acquire quick cash without the hassle of selling online to unknown parties and dealing with additional fees, such as shipping. They also tend to be much more personable experiences, but have the significant downfall of typically paying well beneath retail value for nearly every item they purchase.
If you’re still unsure as to whether you want to sell your archery equipment to a pawn shop, we encourage you to read on as we cover the pros and cons of this option in more detail. Hopefully, by the end, you can more confidently decide if you want to visit your local pawn shop or if local archery clubs or online retail stores (ex. Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, eBay) are better choices.
Pros of Selling Your Archery Equipment at a Pawn Shop
We’re going to be up-front and say that most archers don’t recommend you sell your archery equipment to a pawn shop. Still, there are several advantages to this decision that might entice you to go against the crowd and sell here.
Opportunity to Haggle
A common practice in pawn shops is the art of haggling, which means you go in and give the pawnbroker a price you’d like to sell the object, and if they disagree, they’ll counter with their own offer of what they’d prefer to buy it for. This exchange goes back and forth until you can agree on a price.
Haggling allows you to use your persuasive skills to get a price you want out of your archery equipment, or at least close enough for comfort. One reason you might prefer this method is if you’ve tried selling your equipment online and no one is purchasing it for the prices you post, but you don’t want to roll the dice on auction-style selling where you’re at the mercy of what buyers are willing to spend.
Face-to-Face Sale
While selling your items online might be more convenient since you don’t have to physically take them anywhere, many sellers don’t enjoy this method because they don’t know who they’re selling to.
This leads them to be skeptical that they’ll actually receive the money owed them upon selling their expensive archery equipment, not to mention the horror stories of irrationally unsatisfied customers and scammers.
A pro that pawn shops have over online stores here is that you’re selling your objects face-to-face with the buyer, and there is never any doubt that you will walk out the door with the money they owe you. A pawn shop with friendly staff and excellent customer service can significantly affect sellers who are uncomfortable with online platforms.
Quick Cash
In our opinion, this is the most significant advantage of selling to pawn shops. If you want to sell your archery equipment because you need some fast cash, maybe to pay off a debt or an expected expense, a pawn shop is the way to go. You can walk in and make a deal that day versus selling your equipment online, which could take several days or even weeks.
The date of sale doesn’t always determine when you’ll get paid online either. Sometimes you have to wait a processing period before you can transfer that money to your account.
So, anyone looking to get money for their equipment as soon as possible should see a pawn shop. It’s a simple one-and-done-deal where you walk in with your equipment, agree on a price with the pawnbroker, do some paperwork, and then walk out of the store with cash.
Pawning is a Viable Alternative
Although this article focuses on selling your archery equipment to a pawn shop, don’t forget that pawning the items is a viable alternative.
We can think of very few places that allow you to walk in and essentially borrow money by just letting a valuable item of yours sit on a shelf somewhere. If you’re in desperate need of quick cash, but you and your pawnbroker can’t seem to agree on a price to sell your archery equipment, consider pawning them instead.
You’ll still get a reasonable amount of money to pay off whatever you need, and as long as you return with that money (plus interest) at a later date, you can reclaim your equipment and sell it for the price you wanted later.
Cons of Selling Your Archery Equipment at a Pawn Shop
There aren’t as many cons listed here for selling your archery equipment to a pawn shop, but we guarantee the ones that are here are usually significant enough to put archers off completely from seeing this as a viable option.
Severely Reduced Purchase Price
Here’s a quick overview if you don’t know how pawn shops work. These businesses essentially purchase items from willing sellers for well below the retail price in order to sell them for a profit. They then use that money to purchase other objects and rinse and repeat.
From a business standpoint, this logic makes sense. Most people who sell items at pawn shops are either desperate for quick cash and won’t mind selling it for less than its worth, or they simply don’t care enough about the object to spend extra time and resources to sell it for more elsewhere.
So, if you were hoping to sell all of your archery equipment for the same price you purchased it or the prices you currently see listed in stores and online, you’re going to be severely disappointed.
Most pawn shops are only going to pay about half the item’s retail price if that. This is to ensure they can profit when they resell it. Considering archery equipment isn’t cheap, bows especially, archers usually want to get every penny they’re worth when they sell it. And if that resonates with you, the pawn shop isn’t where you should be selling your equipment.
Legal Hoops
This con isn’t usually too much of an issue, but it’s enough to be inconvenient or even irritating at times.
Most archery equipment, particularly the bows, are seen as weapons similar to guns rather than everyday items. Therefore, if you’re going to sell it to a pawn shop, it’s entirely possible, if not probable, that they’re going to ask you for proof of purchase and other documentation for legal purposes.
This could make selling these items more of a process than you wanted, especially if you don’t have those papers on hand.
Final Thoughts
While you can sell your archery equipment at a pawn shop, it isn’t recommended for any archer trying to get the most out of their equipment and sell it for the highest price possible. In these cases, you’ll have more success selling them to an archery club or online (ex. Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, eBay), where you can list the price you want to sell it for. However, if you’re in desperate need of quick cash or you want to skip the process of online selling, pawn stores are a decent option; you’ll just have to settle for selling at a reduced rate.